SGGSAng 695Raag DhanasariBhagat Dhanna Ji11 linesBhagat Dhanna Ji

DMnw ]

dhhannaa ||


gopwl qyrw Awrqw ]

gopaal thaeraa aarathaa ||

O Lord of the world, this is Your lamp-lit worship service.

jo jn qumrI Bgiq krµqy iqn ky kwj svwrqw ]1] rhwau ]

jo jan thumaree bhagath karanthae thin kae kaaj savaarathaa ||1|| rehaao ||

You are the Arranger of the affairs of those humble beings who perform Your devotional worship service. ||1||Pause||

dwil sIDw mwgau GIau ]

dhaal seedhhaa maago gheeo ||

Lentils, flour and ghee - these things, I beg of You.

hmrw KusI krY inq jIau ]

hamaraa khusee karai nith jeeo ||

My mind shall ever be pleased.

pn@IAw Cwdnu nIkw ]

panheeaa shhaadhan neekaa ||

Shoes, fine clothes,

Anwju mgau sq sIkw ]1]

aucwrx sIkw: iek`Tw bolo

anaaj mago sath see kaa ||1||

And grain of seven kinds - I beg of You. ||1||

gaU BYs mgau lwvyrI ]

goo bhais mago laavaeree ||

A milk cow, and a water buffalo, I beg of You,

iek qwjin qurI cµgyrI ]

eik thaajan thuree changaeree ||

And a fine Turkestani horse.

Gr kI gIhin cµgI ]

ghar kee geehan changee ||

A good wife to care for my home

jnu DMnw lyvY mMgI ]2]4]

jan dhhannaa laevai mangee ||2||4||

- Your humble servant Dhanna begs for these things, Lord. ||2||4||