SGGSAng 103Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

jIA pRwx pRB mnih ADwrw ]

jeea praan prabh manehi adhhaaraa ||

God is the Breath of Life of my soul, the Support of my mind.

Bgq jIvih gux gwie Apwrw ]

bhagath jeevehi gun gaae apaaraa ||

His devotees live by singing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord.

gux inDwn AMimRqu hir nwmw hir iDAwie iDAwie suKu pwieAw jIau ]1]

gun nidhhaan anmrith har naamaa har dhhiaae dhhiaae sukh paaeiaa jeeo ||1||

The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is the Treasure of Excellence. Meditating, meditating on the Lord's Name, I have found peace. ||1||

mnsw Dwir jo Gr qy AwvY ]

manasaa dhhaar jo ghar thae aavai ||

One whose heart's desires lead him from his own home

swDsµig jnmu mrxu imtwvY ]

saadhhasang janam maran mittaavai ||

To the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, shall be rid of the cycle of birth and death

Aws mnorQu pUrnu hovY Bytq gur drswieAw jIau ]2]

aas manorathh pooran hovai bhaettath gur dharasaaeiaa jeeo ||2||

His hopes and desires are fulfilled, when he gains the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. ||2||

Agm Agocr ikCu imiq nhI jwnI ]

agam agochar kishh mith nehee jaanee ||

The limits of the Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord cannot be known.

swiDk isD iDAwvih igAwnI ]

aucwrx is`D

saadhhik sidhh dhhiaavehi giaanee ||

The seekers, the Siddhas, those beings of miraculous spiritual powers, and the spiritual teachers, all meditate on Him.

KudI imtI cUkw Bolwvw guir mn hI mih pRgtwieAw jIau ]3]

aucwrx KudI: polw bolo

khudhee mittee chookaa bholaavaa gur man hee mehi pragattaaeiaa jeeo ||3||

Thus, their egos are erased, and their doubts are dispelled. The Guru has enlightened their minds. ||3||

And mMgl kilAwx inDwnw ]

anadh mangal kaliaan nidhhaanaa ||

Which is the Treasure of bliss, joy, salvation,

sUK shj hir nwmu vKwnw ]

sookh sehaj har naam vakhaanaa ||

Intuitive peace and poise; I chant the Name of that Lord.

hoie ikRpwlu suAwmI Apnw nwau nwnk Gr mih AwieAw jIau ]4]25]32]

hoe kirapaal suaamee apanaa naao naanak ghar mehi aaeiaa jeeo ||4||25||32||

When my Lord and Master blessed me with His Mercy, O Nanak, then His Name entered the home of my mind. ||4||25||32||