SGGSAng 695Raag DhanasariBhagat Pipa Ji7 linesBhagat Pipa Ji

pIpw ]

peepaa ||


kwXau dyvw kwieAau dyvl kwieAau jµgm jwqI ]

aucwrx kwXau: kwieAau

kaayo dhaevaa kaaeiao dhaeval kaaeiao jangam jaathee ||

Within the body, the Divine Lord is embodied. The body is the temple, the place of pilgrimage, and the pilgrim.

kwieAau DUp dIp neIbydw kwieAau pUjau pwqI ]1]

kaaeiao dhhoop dheep neebaedhaa kaaeiao poojo paathee ||1||

Within the body are incense, lamps and offerings. Within the body are the flower offerings. ||1||

kwieAw bhu KMf Kojqy nviniD pweI ]

aucwrx kWieAW; nv-in`iD

kaaeiaa bahu khandd khojathae nav nidhh paaee ||

I searched throughout many realms, but I found the nine treasures within the body.

nw kCu Awiebo nw kCu jwiebo rwm kI duhweI ]1] rhwau ]

naa kashh aaeibo naa kashh jaaeibo raam kee dhuhaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Nothing comes, and nothing goes; I pray to the Lord for Mercy. ||1||Pause||

jo bRhmMfy soeI ipMfy jo KojY so pwvY ]

jo brehamanddae soee pinddae jo khojai so paavai ||

The One who pervades the Universe also dwells in the body; whoever seeks Him, finds Him there.

pIpw pRxvY prm qqu hY siqguru hoie lKwvY ]2]3]

peepaa pranavai param thath hai sathigur hoe lakhaavai ||2||3||

Peepaa prays, the Lord is the supreme essence; He reveals Himself through the True Guru. ||2||3||